Engineering and Construction Insurance

Machinery as well as technical plant and equipment can break down. This applies to both when they are under construction and in operation. This can cause considerable financial consequences for companies and plant operators. Principals and contractors are faced with similar risk situations on construction projects. We can help arrange engineering and construction insurance solutions to help to minimize these uncertainty factors.

Technical breakdown, material defects and operating errors can result at any time in damage that results in plant and machinery downtimes. In the case of installation projects or on construction sites, external factors like natural hazards or fire risks exacerbate the risk exposure. ‘All Risks’ cover provide comprehensive insurance against property damage and business interruption losses. Project cover factors in the extensive risks involved in major construction and plant engineering projects.

Engineering and Construction Insurance includes the following insurance policies:

  • Contractors All Risks (CAR) insurance
  • Erection All Risks (EAR) insurance
  • Business interruption, delay in start-up and advance loss of profits
  • Builders risk/construction all risks insurance
  • Latent defects and IDI (Inherent Defect Insurance)
  • Contractors’ plant and equipment
  • Insurance for electronic equipment, software and software-business interruption
  • Machinery breakdown insurance